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How can I know God?

To enter God’s kingdom, you must be born again. Just look to Jesus Christ, who died for your sins on the cross, and believe in Him and His love for you, and that transformation will take place.  Thus the question, “Have you been born again by the Spirit of God?”  If not, the process is very simple.


Today you’re in one of two camps; it all depends on your relationship to Jesus Christ.  You can both believe and look in faith to Jesus, who died for you on the cross; or you can continue going on as you are.  It’s amazing thing – to be lost; you don’t have to do anything.  Just keep on doing what you’re doing now and you will perish.


But, if you look to the cross and believe in the One who died for your sins, then the free gift of God is yours… The gift of eternal life.


The Bible says we need to recognize that we are a sinner and have need of a savior:


For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God—Romans 3:23


Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out—Acts 3:19


To repent is to turn away from sin and to turn our lives toward God.


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life—John 3:16


If you want a personal relationship with God, look to what Romans 10:9 declares:


If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved—Romans 10:9


This passage declares that we are to confess that Jesus is Lord.  This confession must first be a personal confession.  Recognize that it is God who created you through His Son, Jesus (John 1:3).  As you recognize that you are His marvelous creation, recognize that He is your Lord.  This means seeking His will for your life.  Next we are to publicly profess this fact.  (Romans 1:16 and Matthew 10:33)


The second part of Romans 10:9 says that we are to believe in our heart that God raised Jesus from the dead.  To do this is to recognize Jesus’ divine power and authority over sin and death.  Jesus’ resurrection is the assurance of His victory over sin and our hope of eternal life through His divine power.  Thus we now, being born again, live not as those who have no hope, but as those born anew to everlasting life.


You do not have to say a special prayer or passage to be saved.  It is not the words that save us, it is our receiving and trusting in the work of Christ Jesus on the cross.  But we are to speak to God, declare our decision to Him to turn to Him and place our faith in His Son, Jesus.  Tell him that you recognize that you are a sinner and you need Jesus.  Tell Him that you will seek His will in your life.  And don’t stop talking to Him.  That is what prayer is, talking to our Lord.  Then stop, and listen for His still small voice.  Read His word daily so you can recognize His speaking to you.


It is helpful though to say a prayer declaring these things.  Come to God in a manner similar to this.  “Dear God, I am a sinner and I have need of a savior.  Today I turn from my ways and turn to you, putting trust for my life in Christ Jesus.  Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for me.  Thank you for forgiving me of my sin.”


What is Next?


If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you are now born again. Here are a few things that will help you to grow as a Christian…


PRAY—prayer is like a telephone line that goes directly to God. It’s important to spend time talking to Him every day, the more the better (Philippians 4:6).


READ THE BIBLE—the Bible is like a love letter from God. The more you read it, the more you’ll fall in love with Him (1 Peter 2:2).


FELLOWSHIP—you need to have friends who share your beliefs and who can encourage you. This is why it’s so important to find a good, Bible-believing church where you can meet other Christians (Hebrews 10:24-25).


WITNESS TO OTHERS—share your faith in Jesus Christ with others. Pray that the Lord will reveal how you should witness and when (Mark 16:15).


If you have accepted Jesus, let one of us here at Calvary Chapel know so we can encourage you in your new life!


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